Judy at Patchwork Times is starting to get back into quilting (Yay, I'm glad she can find joy in it again!), and has challenged us to look into our closets and find some UFO's to finish in the year of 2017. She is going to draw a number for the month, and the quilt that corresponds to that number per your UFO list is the quilt you will work to finish that month. I know that not all of these quilts will get done over the course of the year, but if I could make some headway on a lot of them that would be better than where they stand right now. With that being said, here is my list: (sorry no pretty pictures, check out my 2017 Quilt Plan tab and pictures will be updated as the year goes on)
1. Wedding Quilt - L&B
2. Wedding Quilt - D&D
3. Wedding Quilt - S&D
4. Wedding Quilt - C&T
5. Mom's Quilt
6. Table runner - T&M
7. Table runner - J&B
8. Wedding Quilt - N&B
9. Dr. Who Quilt
10. Table runner - N&B
11. Little House on the Prairie quilt
12. I-Spy quilt for Niece
Extra quilts:
2 Charity quilts - Ties for Love
Bargello baby
Texas star quilt
Quilt for Grandma
Quilt for Grandparents - Ohio State
Kit for bed - Sweet tooth by Jaybirds quilt will also be made
Bonnie Hunter's mystery quilts - En Provence and Allietare and 2017's
QAL that I hope to stay on top of making when the clues come out
A long list. Now to get my tension fixed on my featherweight so I can start sewing.
Happy New Year!
Saturday, December 31, 2016
Goals for 2017 - Quilting

1. Work on and or finish Wedding presents - there are quilts for C&T, (quilt to finish), T&M (table runner to finish), L&B (quilt to start), S&D (quilt to work on), J&B (table runner to finish), D&D (quilt to work on/finish?), and N&B (quilt to gift at their wedding).
2. Complete Dr. Who quilt for my husband
3. Finish a quilt for Mom
4. Participate in a QAL, and keep up with the clues as they are given
5. Make tutorial for blog to help spread the quilting word
6. Start to organize stash/cut up scraps from previous quilts and keep up with new scraps
7. DO NOT buy fabric or kits unless it is needed to finish a project (it is a goal, but in reality it probably won't last too long).
8. Finish Bonnie Hunter's mystery quilts
9. Organize pattern library, or even start to
10. Get out more in the blogging community, which means I need to comment and post on other people's blog posts, offering words of encouragement and offering advice from what I have learned.
11. Post more about the process of making something on my blog, instead of just showing a finished project.
It is a long list, but if I stick to it I could make some really good progress. I want to have this year be a year of growing my blog, as it will be my second year blogging. There are a few things I need to work on personally, such as finding balance between home life, like up keeping our place and time for quilting and blogging. I was lacking balance last year with my blog, updating on what I'm working on vs what I have finished.
I'm looking forward to what other people's goals are for the new year.
Happy New Year!
Friday, December 30, 2016
Finished Jester Costume

This was my first time making a costume/clothing piece and there were not some pretty words coming out of my mouth at times. The pattern was a medium, and my husband is an XL, so I enlarged the pattern by cutting a few extra inches here and there around the pattern. I did not need to do that everywhere, and I had to do a few seams to take things in. I also got to work with elastic for the first time, and let us just say there were more naughty words said during this part of the making. In the end, everything turned out very well, and EVERYONE loved the costume. Who knows if there will be a next time that I make a costume, but at least I can say I tried it!
Linking up to Crazy Mom Quilts and Confessions of a Fabric Addict for Friday posts. Now it is time to go and put the finishing touches on my 2017 quilty goals/quilt list to finish.
Monday, December 5, 2016
December OMG
I failed my November OMG, the month flew by way too quickly, plus being out of town for two weeks did not help. Is it just me or does the end of the year tend to speed up? My December OMG is going to be different, as this is something I need to get done now. A co-worker is getting married this month, and I am making a table runner for the happy couple. I have the fabrics and the pattern is drawn out, plus my cutting instructions. I just need to starch, cut, and put it all together. Not too hard right?
This will be the first thing I do once I get this jester costume I'm currently working on done. Pants are done, now to get the shirt and neck collar thing done.
If I have even more time (maybe new years weekend will give me a little more sewing time than normal), I need to get a baby quilt done for my cousin's baby, who is due to make his appearance in the beginning of January. The fabrics and quilt pattern are all picked out. I just have to starch and cut the fabrics and put it all together.
Linking up with Elm Street Quilts.
If I have even more time (maybe new years weekend will give me a little more sewing time than normal), I need to get a baby quilt done for my cousin's baby, who is due to make his appearance in the beginning of January. The fabrics and quilt pattern are all picked out. I just have to starch and cut the fabrics and put it all together.
I love the backing print I found, so cute! Both of my goals are also on my quarter 4 goal list.
Linking up with Elm Street Quilts.
Saturday, December 3, 2016
Oh Where, Oh Where Have I Been?
Well, that is a long story. The first weekend of November was my sister-in-law's wedding, which took place in Tennessee. We flew out there and was able to hang out with my in-laws and lots of family before the big day. Then the happy couple got to leave to go on their honeymoon, and we helped my in-laws babysit our niece before we had to fly back to California. Here we are as guests at the wedding, doesn't my man look good in his bow tie.
While in Tennessee, we had a blast! I got to indulge in going to a few quilt and yarn stores. My goal at the quilt stores was to buy fabric for Bonnie Hunter's mystery quilt entitled En Provence as she had just come out with the colors. Boy did I find some great finds. I of course was not a good blogger and can not produce footage of my visits to various quilt shops, however I can at least tell you where we went. The quilt stores were Pappy's in Maryville, TN, Gina's Bernina Sewing Center in Knoxville, TN, Ready Set Sew in Chattanooga, TN and Hyderhangout: Quilt Fabric and More in Cleveland, TN. I enjoyed each one of these stores for different reasons, and of course I did not leave without buying anything. I do love supporting locale quilt shops.
While we were down in Chattanooga we went to the Ruby Falls, and had an awesome adventure, just my husband and I exploring. Here is a picture of us in front of the falls.
If you do not know about Ruby Falls it is in an underground cave, and we were approx. 1100 feet below the top of Lookout Mountain. The tour was fun, and we got to check out an amazing natural feature. I also like the building they built from the limestone they pulled out while excavating what they were originally trying to find, which was the Lookout Mountain caves that had been sealed up by the railroad that had come through, and from the tour trail they built. We also wanted to go to a Civil War battle ground in Georgia, but we are going to save that for the next time we are out.
We also visited the Appalachian Museum which is north of Knoxville in Norris. It was awesome, especially all of the old quilts and buildings they have there. I will be doing a separate post in the next week of all the pictures I took there. I love history.
We then left Tennessee to return to California to have about a 12 hour turn-around to drive four hours north of San Diego to the hills of Santa Barbara for a camping wedding for my best friend for college. There I finished jewelry for the wedding party the day before (talk about cutting it close), and had a great time.
By the end of these two weeks we had traveled across county, slept more nights on the ground then we remember doing as kids, celebrated two different marriages only six days apart and had a wonderful time. But, as a result we were exhausted. We returned, unpacked, organized and started to recover to only have it be Thanksgiving already. Then I got sick and now we are here on December 3rd, deep in the holiday season.
I still owe three things between the happy couples. Two wedding quilts and a cross stitch marriage record. They know the items will eventually come, so I better get working. But first, I need to get my husband's Jester costume for our church's medieval dinner done for the dress rehearsal and performance next weekend. I'm cutting it a little close, big surprise, as I am always behind it seems. Positive thoughts.
When we got home from the trips, I was able to put all of the fabrics I bought and my stash and created this color pallet for the mystery quilt. I can not wait to start as I love the colors (Clue 1 and Clue 2 have been published), but I have other things that need to get done.
Time to work on that Jester costume. Wish me luck, as it is my first time making clothes....
While in Tennessee, we had a blast! I got to indulge in going to a few quilt and yarn stores. My goal at the quilt stores was to buy fabric for Bonnie Hunter's mystery quilt entitled En Provence as she had just come out with the colors. Boy did I find some great finds. I of course was not a good blogger and can not produce footage of my visits to various quilt shops, however I can at least tell you where we went. The quilt stores were Pappy's in Maryville, TN, Gina's Bernina Sewing Center in Knoxville, TN, Ready Set Sew in Chattanooga, TN and Hyderhangout: Quilt Fabric and More in Cleveland, TN. I enjoyed each one of these stores for different reasons, and of course I did not leave without buying anything. I do love supporting locale quilt shops.
While we were down in Chattanooga we went to the Ruby Falls, and had an awesome adventure, just my husband and I exploring. Here is a picture of us in front of the falls.

We also visited the Appalachian Museum which is north of Knoxville in Norris. It was awesome, especially all of the old quilts and buildings they have there. I will be doing a separate post in the next week of all the pictures I took there. I love history.
We then left Tennessee to return to California to have about a 12 hour turn-around to drive four hours north of San Diego to the hills of Santa Barbara for a camping wedding for my best friend for college. There I finished jewelry for the wedding party the day before (talk about cutting it close), and had a great time.
I still owe three things between the happy couples. Two wedding quilts and a cross stitch marriage record. They know the items will eventually come, so I better get working. But first, I need to get my husband's Jester costume for our church's medieval dinner done for the dress rehearsal and performance next weekend. I'm cutting it a little close, big surprise, as I am always behind it seems. Positive thoughts.

Time to work on that Jester costume. Wish me luck, as it is my first time making clothes....
Friday, December 2, 2016
Big Finish
I know, I have been away for over a month. Where has it gone? That is easy....but I will get to it in my next post. I have some lovely pictures to share, but first a big finish! I finished the wedding cross stitch for a wedding we attended at the beginning of November. I was able to finish it while we were still there, and right before we left I was able to put it in its frame and wrap it up for the bride and groom. I think it turned out gorgeously!
Ta Da! Here it is:
Ta Da! Here it is:
The picture quality is not that great as we were using our phone cameras throughout the trip, and by this time I had run out of room on mine so my husband took this one...but his case makes his pictures not that great.
He insisted he get one with me holding it, and I obliged, even if it is a little begrudging.
Linking up to Crazy Mom Quilts and Confessions of a Fabric Addict for a Whoop Whoop of getting it finished just in time! To finish this cross stitch was also one of my Quarter 4 goals.
Check back tomorrow to hear all about what I have been up to.
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
November OMG
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
WIP Wednesday
It is hump day! Happy day today. Tomorrow, my work is hosting a team building picnic, which is going to be fun, but it is suppose to be the hottest day of this heat wave that started today. Just when we thought we were going to have some nice fall weather for a change. Oh well, we will make the best of it, and I hear there are water games involved...I will let you all know how it goes.
Now, what I have been working on this week:
I have to finish this cross stitch soon, like very soon, so I am trying to crank it out. I have a plan (I am the planner), and I just have to stick to the plan and keep up the hard work. Last night I was able to get a lot done, and it is actually starting to look like something, before it was just looking like swirling lines with no purpose (focus on right hand corner). I can not wait to get it finished as I think it is going to look awesome, perfect for the bride and groom.
I have also squared up these 4 patches, I have learned that when I cut the parts to this quilt, Flower Garden, I did not do a good job. I was trying to cut with a thread or two more, but I really cut like five or more threads on the parts. As a result I am squaring things up, and making sure parts are the correct sizes before moving on. I have never done this before, and as a result it is taking me longer than normal.
This weekend, my goal is put together the squares which will look like the above picture, and make great progress on my cross stitch, hopefully catching up to where I should be by the end of week dated 10/17. Pedal to the metal. But first, time to find a tan wool tie for my husband's outfit for the wedding...
Linking up with Bee Social at Sew Fresh Quilts.
Monday, October 10, 2016
Quarter 4 Goals
Ummm...excuse me, but where has the year gone?!?!?! We are listing our quarter 4 goals, we can not be there already? But alas, we are...so below is my quarter 4 list of goals. To finish all would be a long shot, but I can take small bites out of the big elephant to make the overall goal, which is to move these projects into the finish column, or at least get them closer to that column than before.
3. Repair clothing. A lot of these have small holes that I need to sew up, or the hems have fallen out and I need to replace them or a plastic support has fallen out of the dress that I need to sew back in. These are not hard repairs, I just have to sit down and do them (no progress from last 2 quarters, the repair pile actually grew by a few things!). Hopefully by putting them on my list again, I will accomplish it this quarter.
4. I attended a bridal shower for a very close friend, and I gave her a copy of this cross stitch in the frame that it is intended to go into. I would like to get this done while we are on vacation/attending a different wedding at the beginning of November, so I can send it with the quilt I am making them. (See number 1)
12. Knit a total of 8 scarves for Operation Gratitude. I like to knit while we watch TV in the evenings and I felt like Operation Gratitude is a great cause to knit for. I have a bag and box of yarn to knit up, and currently I'm working on the bag. I will only make a dent in the bag, but a dent is a dent in a yarn stash...
One bite at a time. You can find me in the evenings after work/on the weekends at Clara (my Featherweight) working on a quilt/placemats/table runner or on the couch working on a cross stitch or knitting. Linking up to A Quilter's Table and looking at what everyone else wants to accomplish for the last quarter of 2016.
1. A quilt for a wedding in November. The pattern is going to be Flower Garden from Connecting Threads, and I want to get it completed, because I still have another quilt to finish for another wedding that month, only six days apart. I made some progress on it last quarter, but now it is crunch time to get it done. Good thing they want their gifts mailed to them. (It is going to be about a month after their wedding, but I am OKAY with that!)
2. Made two of the four rag rugs. I recently changed the pattern, I just have to take out the sewing and braiding I have done and start from scratch with the new pattern I have. I am excited to start this project over again. These were to be Christmas presents a few years back. My goal for Q4 is to get two out of four done. A goal from all year! Maybe I will get this done this time. One step at a time.
4. I attended a bridal shower for a very close friend, and I gave her a copy of this cross stitch in the frame that it is intended to go into. I would like to get this done while we are on vacation/attending a different wedding at the beginning of November, so I can send it with the quilt I am making them. (See number 1)
5. Complete this wedding record cross stitch. This is for the first wedding we are attending, that is our vacation/wedding. I have goals for each week, that I am kinda already behind on, but I will get it done. Thank goodness things quiet down for me this week!
6. I have a co-worker getting married in December, and I am going to make very simple placemats. The fabric is ready, and my pattern is ready, now to just execute!
7. Another co-worker is getting married in February of next year, and I have a table runner pattern with some fabrics that are bright colors, perfect to go with the decor of their house. I can not wait to see how this turns out. I can probably crank this out over a weekend. (Oh, and they have two very different favorite football teams, which will be split down the middle on the back)
8. Knit a shawl for the 2nd wedding we are attending, which is in November, and the whole thing is outside. Granted it is not the Eastern part of the US, but it is in the mountains on the West coast, which could be cooler than what I am use to especially in a strapless, short dress. The yarn matches the dress, and the pattern is simple and it reminds me of the wind and a little bit of the outdoors. This will be the first shawl I have ever done.
9. Finish a throw quilt for my Mom. I started this project back in approximately 2009. I saw it in Keepsake Quilting, and I convinced my brother and Dad that I would make it for my Mom for Christmas. They helped pay for it as it would be from all of us, and I started it, but never finished. I would love to try and finish it for Christmas this year. She gets cold easily and it would be perfect for her to wrap up in.
10. Make a baby quilt. My cousin is having his second child with his wife, and I made the first kid a small quilt, so I feel like I should make the 2nd child their own quilt, (I try not to be bias). A simple fence rail quilt will look great I think, especially with the colors I choose.
11. Knit a different shawl for the 1st wedding we are attending in November. This one is in Tennessee in November, completely outside. Yes, it is during the daytime, but it will be cooler than I am use to, which is Southern California weather. If I do not get it done before the wedding, I have an alternative sweater, I just like to try and be an overachiever...
12. Knit a total of 8 scarves for Operation Gratitude. I like to knit while we watch TV in the evenings and I felt like Operation Gratitude is a great cause to knit for. I have a bag and box of yarn to knit up, and currently I'm working on the bag. I will only make a dent in the bag, but a dent is a dent in a yarn stash...
One bite at a time. You can find me in the evenings after work/on the weekends at Clara (my Featherweight) working on a quilt/placemats/table runner or on the couch working on a cross stitch or knitting. Linking up to A Quilter's Table and looking at what everyone else wants to accomplish for the last quarter of 2016.
Sunday, October 2, 2016
October OMG
Friday, September 30, 2016
OMG Completed!!
At the last moment, but I was able to iron the last of the blocks, and draw the last of the lines for stitch and flips today! My September OMG was to make the border blocks, Block A, start Block B, and draw all of the diagonal lines that I need to, which I had calculated to be 460, but I really drew 692, as I wanted to draw a second line for bonus triangles on the biggest set I needed to put lines on. (Not one of my brightest ideas as I could have used my 1/4" foot to stitch that, oh well.)
Here is everything completed! I have already figured out what my October OMG will be, and will be posting about it in a few days.
I'll leave you one last picture of the scenery of where I took the picture.
Pretty, the rose matches the reds in the quilt. I can not wait to get this top completed, but there are many more steps before that will happen. One small bite at a time.
I'm sliding in at the last moment, again, at Heidi's blog, which is Red Letter Quilts.
Sunday, September 25, 2016
Slow Stitching Sunday
Today has been a relaxing day. I was able to finish cross stitching the Torah verses I was assigned from Torah Stitch by Stitch. This is the full and completed text I was given.
I'm really proud of how it turned out! Now it will be sent off to it's new home in Canada where it will be combined with other verses and put on display. A pretty cool project, you can check it out here. This was one of my goals for the Quarter 3 finish a long. I'm slowly knocking them all off, and I could not be more prouder of myself!
The next slow stitching project I'm working on is another cross stitch, but it is a marriage record. I have two weddings coming up in November, and this is for one of the happy couples. I hope that I do not have to give an I owe you credit for their quilt and marriage record, but we will see what time permits me to finish.
Off to see what everyone else is working on over at Kathy's Quilts. I love seeing other things and getting inspiration from them.
I'm really proud of how it turned out! Now it will be sent off to it's new home in Canada where it will be combined with other verses and put on display. A pretty cool project, you can check it out here. This was one of my goals for the Quarter 3 finish a long. I'm slowly knocking them all off, and I could not be more prouder of myself!
The next slow stitching project I'm working on is another cross stitch, but it is a marriage record. I have two weddings coming up in November, and this is for one of the happy couples. I hope that I do not have to give an I owe you credit for their quilt and marriage record, but we will see what time permits me to finish.
Friday, September 23, 2016
Blogger Quilt Festival - Small Quilt
My second entry into the Blogger Quilt Festival, hosted by Amy at Amy's Creative Side is called "Spring Butterflies." This quilt was finished just in time for this festival and I'm very excited to be sharing it with everyone. I am entering it into the small quilt category, as it is a baby/toddler size quilt.
This quilt was made with a simple 4-patch square and a charm square to create the pattern. I love how the diagonal lines are created with the placement of the 4-patch squares and charm squares. I love when a binding is able to achieve this because I feel like it gives a frame to the quilt, to help focus the eye somewhere on the quilt.
I did the quilting myself on a long-arm. A simple meander with butterflies mixed in, as there are butterflies in the charm squares and the backing fabric, hence the name of the quilt. I would like to believe that my quilting has gotten better as I have practiced using the long-arm machine. I do not own one, but I rent time at my local quilt shop.
One last picture of the back with the front, which ties it together perfectly. If you are checking me out for the first time welcome. The Blogger's Quilt Festival is running between September 18 thru September 30. I'm going to head over there and see what everyone else has entered. Thank you to Amy for doing a wonderful job of hosting and putting this all together.
Thanks for stopping by!
Blogger Quilt Festival - Scrappy Quilt
I am participating in the Blogger's Quilt Festival that is being held by Amy's Creative Side for the first time. The first category that I am entering into is the Scrappy Quilt category. The quilt is called "Spinning Love." This quilt was finished in the middle of the year, and given as a belated wedding gift to a great couple that my husband and I are good friends with.
I started out with a group of fabrics mixing it up to create a scrappy look in the 4-patches, but kept it similar with the pinwheels. The pattern I used is a Bonnie Hunter pattern entitled Patches and Pinwheels. I believe she is the Queen of Scrap quilting.
I did the quilting myself on this quilt with a simple heart design turned clover design on a long arm, and I think it turned out pretty well. I'm working on trying to perfect the drape on a chair, but it did not work out very well. I'll get it right next time.
If you are checking me out for the first time welcome. The Blogger's Quilt Festival is running between September 18 thru September 30. Thanks for stopping by!
Spring Butterflies Finish
This quilt has been listed at my Etsy shop, and ready to ship when someone buys it.
Linking up with Confessions of a Fabric Addict and Crazy Mom Quilts for Finish it up Friday. Check back later for my entries into the fall festival at Amy's Creative Side.
Monday, September 19, 2016
Design Wall

My goals for this week are to finish the cross stitch of my verses from the Torah, which visit this post if you would like to learn more about it. Then I want to trim my border blocks, and start to put together block A with all of the units that I'm in the middle of making. Lots to do, I better get to it.
Linking up with Patchwork Times, and Sew Fresh Quilts.
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Easy Weekend
This weekend has been a relaxing weekend, watching lots of Gilmore Girls (November 26, I'm looking forward to), and making some progress on this beauty.
I have to finish it by September 30, as that is the deadline I given myself/the organization that I am making it for. The organization is called Torah Stitch, and it is based in Canada. They are having stitchers stitch different segments of the verses of the Torah onto Aida cloth and sewing it together to create a scroll which will become an art exhibit. If you want more information check it out here. My real goal, as long as I am able to stitch the times I have set, is to finish it by the end of next weekend. I only have a little less than 2 and a half lines left.
Linking up at Kathy's Quilts to see what everyone else is hand stitching today.
Linking up at Kathy's Quilts to see what everyone else is hand stitching today.
Friday, September 16, 2016
Puppy Love
Introducing Puppy Love!
A commissioned quilt that I just finished! It did not take very long to do, the top was quick to piece together as it was easy. The quilting was a pantograph (my first time), and took about 3 hours due to my inexperience. I still have to figure out how to move the quilt forward the correct length to make sure the quilting motif does not overlap, if there was an easier way than what I was doing. The binding I was able to finish while watching Gilmore Girls during the evenings. I did label this quilt, which I sewed into the binding.
I am really proud of this quilt, my piecing has improved (as I have learned from everyone), and I was able to quilt the whole thing. This quilt is part of my Quarter 3 goals.
Now to start work on a wedding quilt for November, which is my September OMG. It is not going to be finished at the last moment this month (ha! famous last words). I hope to do a design wall post on Monday about my progress over the weekend about this quilt.
Linking up with Crazy Mom Quilts and Confessions of a Fabric Addict.

I am really proud of this quilt, my piecing has improved (as I have learned from everyone), and I was able to quilt the whole thing. This quilt is part of my Quarter 3 goals.
Now to start work on a wedding quilt for November, which is my September OMG. It is not going to be finished at the last moment this month (ha! famous last words). I hope to do a design wall post on Monday about my progress over the weekend about this quilt.
Linking up with Crazy Mom Quilts and Confessions of a Fabric Addict.
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
September 2016 OMG
Wow, where has the beginning of September gone already? I'm sliding this in at the last second it feels like (and is). In June I had the one monthly goal of cutting the pieces for a wedding quilt, which I finished.
However, the pieces have sat over the summer as I finished up some other projects. Well these projects are almost done, and I'm going to make some good progress on getting this top done. My goal for September is to get all of the the Border blocks, and Block A completed, plus start on Block B, and draw the 460 diagonal lines I need to draw for some stitch and flip that will take place in later blocks. It sounds like a lot, but it should not be too much for me to accomplish. Maybe I can get even further? We will see at the end of the month!
Below is a picture of the finished quilt, however I'm going to be making it bigger than this picture to fit a king size bed! I can not wait to see how it all turns out!
Linking up with Red Letter Quilts for September's OMG.
Below is a picture of the finished quilt, however I'm going to be making it bigger than this picture to fit a king size bed! I can not wait to see how it all turns out!
Linking up with Red Letter Quilts for September's OMG.
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