Tuesday, April 30, 2019
April 2019 OMG Finished
Yay! I made it, on the last day, but that is okay. My goal for the month can be found here. It was to start making blocks for a signature quilt for the pastor that is retiring from our church at the end of June, plus start to get signatures, and figure out what I planned to do for the front and back.
Here are the blocks that I have finished:
In total I have finished 33 blocks, out of about 145. All of these blocks are already signed, which is great, I just have many more signatures/messages/pictures to collect before the quilt top will be finished.
I was able to also lay out on paper the dimensions, and how I want the back to look at. I still need to figure out totals, but getting a plan down on paper can be the hardest part. (If you have not figured it out, I am a planner to a T! My life has lists, and my husband has learned to live with them)
Now to think of what my May OMG will be. Will I continue on this quilt, or will I work on something else? I will share in a few days!
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Elm Street Quilts
Daisy Chain Progress Link-up
It is time for the Daisy Chain Mystery Quilt Link-up to share our progress on our quilts. I am making the queen size, so my stacks are quite large. I still need to finish over half of Unit C, but I plan to get them done before a new step is revealed next week.
It is never to late to join, check out the directions for Units A, B, C and D, and look for the first block's directions next week. I hope everyone is enjoying this guessing game as much as I am.
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Little Bunny Quilts
Monday, April 29, 2019
Design Wall Monday
Yay!!! I made it on a Monday to post this. It feels good to be joining on a Monday. Let us see what I was up to this week.
I was able to finish an additional 18 blocks for a signature quilt I'm working on, and I had a rush at church, so I ran out of blocks for people to sign! Opps, I hope next week to make enough for everyone who wants to sign on can without having to come back.
I am focusing in on two projects again for the week. My first one is to completed 30 additional blocks, making them ready for signatures Sunday morning. I want to finish drawing out and doing calculations for the front and back sides of the quilt, and iron more fabrics that are starched and ready to be worked with.
My second goal is to finish ironing and trimming Unit C for the Daisy Chain Mystery QAL so I am ready for next week's step.
My third goal, which will continue to be a goal until it is completely done, is to work on unpacking our house. Our goal for the week is to finish the kitchen (almost there), build a shelving unit for our entertainment stuff, and continue to work on the garage, building two shelving units, plus filling them with stuff. We are currently getting our main line replaced, and our front yard is a mess. Maybe Saturday we will start the clean up process for that.
I hope everyone has a great week!
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15 Minutes of Stitching - Week 17 2019
Let us see how this week went on the stitching front.
Days spent stitching this week: 7 out of 7
Days spent stitching in April: 28 out of 28
Days spent stitching in 2019: 115 out of 118
Success Rate: 97.5%
My week runs from Monday to Sunday.
Finding time to stitch went very well. No issues were had finding time, especially with such a large deadline that is quickly approaching. I hope to have a sew weekend soon, where all my time will be sewing. It will be nice, now to pick a weekend.
Fabric only went out this week and it feels amazing! Maybe this next week I will bump it up to 20 yards used this year, but I'm trying to be realistic, and I'm currently making small blocks. I hope I can make it.
Fabric out this week: .89 yards
Fabric out, in 2019: 18.87 yards
Fabric in this week: 0 yards
Fabric in, in 2019: 112.69 yards
Fabric difference in 2019: gain of 93.82 yards
I hope everyone had a great week!
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Life in Pieces
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Design Wall Tuesday
This last week has been very productive. I was able to finish all of Unit D's for the Daisy Chain Mystery QAL.
I got half way to my goal of 10 blocks for a wedding quilt I am a few years late on. I have seven to sew together, and a few to iron.
I also completed 15 blocks of 128? for the front side of a signature quilt. I even got some signatures, and they are looking great!
I got half way to my goal of 10 blocks for a wedding quilt I am a few years late on. I have seven to sew together, and a few to iron.
I also completed 15 blocks of 128? for the front side of a signature quilt. I even got some signatures, and they are looking great!
I am focusing in on two projects for the week. My first one is to completed 50 additional blocks, making them ready for signatures Sunday morning. I want to finish drawing out and doing calculations for the front and back sides of the quilt, and iron more fabrics that are starched and ready to be worked with. (By finishing all of this, I will have finished my April OMG!)
My second goal is to finish ironing and trimming Unit C for the Daisy Chain Mystery QAL. Even if I make progress on these, as the stack is large, I will be very happy.
My third goal, which will continue to be a goal until it is completely done, is to work on unpacking our house. Our goal for the week is to finish the kitchen (almost there), work on tearing out the front planter box (small goals make the daunting task manageable), and continue to work on the garage, building four shelving units, plus filling them with stuff.
I hope everyone has a great week!
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Monday, April 22, 2019
15 Minutes of Stitching - Week 16 2019
Let us see how this week went on the stitching front.
Days spent stitching this week: 7 out of 7
Days spent stitching in April: 21 out of 21
Days spent stitching in 2019: 108 out of 111
Success Rate: 97.3%
My week runs from Monday to Sunday.
Finding time to stitch went very well. It is very rewarding for me to see my numbers this high, as I know in a year or two I will be extremely lucky to find time to stitch each week. For now, I am going to enjoy all of the time I have.
Fabric came in, but fabric went out! Next week, my goal is to have over 20 years out for 2019. I will slowly pick at the fabric difference, and by the end of the year I should have a loss. That is my goal, and positive thinking will get me there sooner than none.
Fabric out this week: 2.86 yards
Fabric out, in 2019: 17.98 yards
Fabric in this week: 10.39 yards
Fabric in, in 2019: 112.69 yards
Fabric difference in 2019: gain of 94.71 yards
I hope everyone had a great week!
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Life in Pieces
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Unit D - Daisy Chain Mystery QAL
Have you been following along? This week we are working on Unit D for the Daisy Chain Mystery QAL, hosted by Little Bunny Quilts. I still have not figured out how it is going together. That is part of the fun!
This week we made what will be come our border units. These were fun to make, and easy too. I had them done in a short amount of time, especially with some pedal to the metal. I tried to be random about how I put everything together, but I know it will look great when all said and done.
In three weeks we learn how to start putting this together. Have you joined in on the fun yet?
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Design Wall Tuesday
In the last week I have finished cutting all of the pink triangles. I am ready when I get some more yellow triangles sewn on.
And, I broke my machine :( It has to go get a spa day, as there are a few issues with it. One, I used the cutter too much and a piece of thread is stuck in the bobbin area. Two, it does not always listen to my command and so I get a jagged stitch in the middle of a seam when it decides it wants to lift the presser foot and needle even though I tell it to keep going. Three, it just needs a spa day as I have owned it for 18 months, and have not taken it in yet for its annual cleaning.
I have many goals this week. My first one is to finish Unit D for the Daisy Chain Mystery QAL. They are looking good!
My second goal is to continue working on trimming Unit C. I still have a small pile to sew together too.
My third goal is to put together 10 blocks for D&D's wedding quilt. It is easy chain piecing, and I'm excited to pull out my leaders and ender's project to help that along too.
My fourth goal is to put together 50 blocks for signatures on Sunday, draw out both sides of the quilt, and start cutting all of the pieces needed to the quilt. I have a June 9th deadline, which is going to come up wayyy too quickly.
My fifth and final goal, which will continue to be a goal until it is completely done, is to work on unpacking our house. Our goal for the week is to finish the kitchen (almost there), work on tearing out the front planter box (small goals make the daunting task manageable), and make a decision about which company to go with for our little plumbing issue.
I hope everyone has a great week!
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15 Minutes of Stitching - Week 15 2019
Let us see how this week went on the stitching front.
Days spent stitching this week: 7 out of 7
Days spent stitching in April: 14 out of 14
Days spent stitching in 2019: 101 out of 104
Success Rate: 97.1%
My week runs from Monday to Sunday.
This week I was able to find time every single day! I think this will be the month that I find stitching each day. I have still kept my success rate pretty high and it is increasing a little bit each week! Planning out at the beginning of the week has helped me know what my goals for each evening are. Even if I do not get everything thing I planned done, at least I made progress. I'm still learning the size of goals to make for myself.
No fabric in! :) No fabric out :( It has been a lot of prep work, and sewing, but I have not ironed anything that I have sewn. Sometimes I hate ironing, and it seems like this was my hate ironing week. Next week should be a nice big number as to what I have out, but I will get some in as I'm picking up fabric from a fellow quilt's stash for my April OMG and signature quilt gift for our pastor who is leaving at the end of June.
Fabric out this week: 0 yards
Fabric out, in 2019: 15.12 yards
Fabric in this week: 0 yards
Fabric in, in 2019: 102.30 yards
Fabric difference in 2019: gain of 87.18 yards
I hope everyone had a great week!
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Life in Pieces
Friday, April 12, 2019
2019 Finish-a-Long Quarter 2
Quarter 1 flew by, and now we are in quarter 2. I hope to finish some things this time, there are some actual deadlines I need to met this quarter so that will help. I, of course, has added to my UFO list over the last quarter, but all were good reasons. Let us go to my list.
4. Wedding quilt for C&T (late present, at least they know it is coming).
7. Charity Quilt top for Prayers and Squares at my Grandmother's church.

16. Knit scarf for my husband. He saw the scarves I made for my grandparents for Christmas, and wants a few scarves. As a result I am going to get this one done, and have the other two made for next winter. It is made with a simple pattern. Knit stitch about 30 stitches across and then 70" long.

17. This quilt will be for charity. I hope to have it done for 2020's Hands to Help hosted by Confessions of a Fabric Addict. I am making it with purples and greens as the latices, and I just need to start. It is going to be gorgeous I think. Photo credit goes to Confessions of a Fabric Addict.
18. There was a mystery quilt a long with Cora's Quilts called Gathering. The fabrics are gorgeous and I have finished all of the cutting, I just have to put each step together. It will be a throw size.
19. Supplement my blog post for the 12 Days of Christmas over at Confessions of a Fabric Addict by making a pillow. It will be a 14 by 28 pillow with three snowflakes on it. The snowflakes will be appliqued and quilted down. I have no picture, everything is cut out, I just need to execute it. I was not able to complete it for the 2017 blog hop, so I'm going to get it done and present it as a gift idea for this year's blog hop.
20. Finish Sweet Tooth Queen size quilt. Started as a Breakfast Club project, I want to finish all of the blocks and put it together. It will be the first quilt I have made for our bed.
21. Finish Sweet Tooth baby quilt. I had left overs from the two kits I bought to make the queen size, so I decided to make just one of each of the twelve blocks and combine it into a baby quilt. I think it is going to look awesome when it is done.

22. Chenille this panel of Mickey for a birthday gift. It has been layered, I just need to sew rows and finish it off.
23. Chenille this panel of Disney Princess for a birthday gift. It has been layered, I just need to sew rows and finish it off.
24. Chenille this panel of Dory for a birthday gift. I just need to sew the rows on it and finish it off.
25. Chenille this panel of Belle for a Christmas gift. I just need to put the binding on, and sew it down.
26. Chenille this panel of Belle for a belated Christmas gift. It matches the one before, the only difference is the minky on the back, and I'm sure the binding will be different. I just need to sew the rows on it and finish it off from there.
27. Chenille this panel of Little Mermaid for myself. This will be the last panel to be chenilled as I come last.
28. Finish snowflake pillow (shared at 12 Days of Christmas hosted by Confessions of a Fabric Addict). This one I have hand quilted, and I love the look of it. I hope to finish it before Christmas this year.
29. Dr. Who quilt, finish as I have started cutting it out. This was an intended gift for my husband on Valentine's Day over two years ago.
30. Natalie's wall hanging. The fabric has been picked out and the idea is in my head. I just need to put it on paper and figure out how to do the blocks as I do not have a pattern for it.
31. Storm at Sea quilt I started at the San Diego Quilt Show last year. I have it all drawn out as to what I want to do, making it about 60" by 60". This is the small quilt because I plan to make a scrappy teal/blue/green one that will be even bigger. My Mom bought the templates, so I just need to borrow them from her to get cracking.
33. L&B's Wedding Quilt is for when they got married in July 2015. The fabric is starched, I need to finish cutting it out, and then start putting it together.
35. On Ringo Lake the 2017-2018 Bonnie Hunter mystery that is absolutely gorgeous! I have all of my fabric picked out and starched, I just have to get working on it.
36. Meadow Mist mystery quilt was revealed at the end of 2017. I have the fabric picked out, and I have since the start of it, I just have not had time to start on it.
37. Scrappy Bargello was started January 2017 in a class with Bonnie Hunter. I am currently working on the final border, which is a braid, so it will take some time.
39. OSU Quilt #2 for my Mom, as she is also an alumni. This quilt was originally meant for my Grandmother, but she has passed away, and I feel like it would mean a lot to my Mom to get the quilt intended for her Mom.
40. Bel Canto is a mystery that was held at my local quilt shop for Strip club. It is designed by Daniella Stout, and the reveal happened in December 2017.
41. Baby blanket that is knitted. I have casted it on, it is just buried in the my pile of projects right now.
42. Moonlight Path's quilt along with Cora's Quilts. Mystery took place in Spring of 2018.
43. Pocket bags - set of 4 for personal use. I have my fabric picked out, and it is on its way to me right now.
44. Brown bag mystery quilt from Cupcake Quilts in Spring, Texas. I have all of the clues, I just need to put it together. (I have not peaked to see how it all turns out)
45. Jelly Roll rug. It was started in a class, and I still have yet to finish it!
46. D&D's wedding cross stitch is a belated wedding gift that I am trying to get done for the happy couple. I'm still on the first border, but I have made more progress on it even since this picture was taken.
47. Champagne and Pearls quilt is for a class. The class was cancelled, but I still want to make the quilt.
48. Ispy quilt for Niece, which will be a birthday present. All paper pieced, square in a square, with the Ispy fabrics in the middle. I can not wait to see the secondary design comes out on this one.
49. Drunkards Path quilt.
50. Kingfisher QAL is hosted by Stitched in Color and Tales of Cloth. The quilt includes EEP, appliqué and regular piecing. I intended to work on this while away from home this last month, however life had other plans. It will be a great evening project to wind down from the day.
51. 2nd Snowflake Pillow from the Christmas in July bloghop. I needed to make another one to take progress pictures. Now I need to finish it.
52. Sweater Weather is a quilt along with Cora's Quilts. I bought the kit a while ago and when this was announced I knew I needed to try and follow along. Maybe I will walk away with a finished quilt top at the end of the time? I can try.
53. Paulie sweater is the first sweater I am knitting, and I want to finish it so I can wear it on those cool mornings at work. I am loving the colors I choose.
54. Daisy Chain Mystery, a mystery quilt along, we will see how it looks soon, as the final reveal is only a month away. I can not wait to get this finished!
55. Signature Quilt is for our pastor who is retiring in June. I'm putting together a quilt with all of our well wishes for his happy and healthy retirement. Deadline is June!
56. Sandcastles is a quilt I started with Bonnie Hunter at the Mountain Quiltfest, which I had a blast at. I can not wait to finish it, as I saw someone's and I want to finish it like them.
57. Box Kites is the second class I took with Bonnie Hunter at Mountain Quiltfest. It will be easy and fast to put together.
58. Baby Blanket is made out of that nice chenille yarn that is so soft and thick. This is for a co-worker's baby who has already made their entrance into the world. I hope to finish it up in the next month or so.
I hope everyone has a great quarter!
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Throw a Wrench in the Works
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