Monday, October 30, 2017
Proud Mary Cut Out
I made it! In the knick of time, before the next step comes out. Proud Mary is cut out, and now to use my new to me machine to start putting the blocks together. I hope to get this part done earlier than a late night before.
Sharing at Sew Fresh Quilts.
A New Week and A New....
Isn't she lovely! I still can not believe she belongs to me now. She is used, but at the perfect price she was able to come home for me (I'm still working on a name for her, it will come). If I did not get it (after talking it over with my husband), my Mom would have picked it up. The shop is now on the lookout for a second one for her. It is an Bernina 830 Limited Edition. This one did not come with the embroidery unit, but when I am ready to add it, I will be able to, which is nice. I also know the home it came from, so I know it was well taken care of before.
I was at our LQS for Friday and Saturday taking a class with Cat Wilson for Judy Niemeyer's paper piecing patterns. I had two goals, I completed one, and only got the other goal half way done. But, I am closer to getting it done than I was before, and I will be able to get help on the part after when she comes back to the shop at the end of April. Here is what I completed.
I was at our LQS for Friday and Saturday taking a class with Cat Wilson for Judy Niemeyer's paper piecing patterns. I had two goals, I completed one, and only got the other goal half way done. But, I am closer to getting it done than I was before, and I will be able to get help on the part after when she comes back to the shop at the end of April. Here is what I completed.
I can not wait to get this quilt fully put together because it is going to look awesome with the colors I choose.
Now it is time to think about what I'm going to try and get done during the week. My first goal is to cut out this lovely baby quilt, which will be a simple rail fence quilt. I am going to make it scrappy, so I need to cut each individual piece out and then start sewing. I did not make any progress on this last seven weeks and still failed to work on it. So I really hope I can this week, especially since it is my October OMG, and I have to think about my November OMG. (My goal is to cut it out on tomorrow night)
My second goal is to iron and cut out the fabrics for my Proud Mary quilt, which is my quilt for Busy Hands Quilts QAL from the Splash of Color book by Jackie Kunkel. My goal is to stay up to date with this QAL. (I am cutting it close on this one, as it needs to be done tomorrow...)
My third goal is to start quilting this panel for a chenille blanket. My niece loves Doc McStuffin', and it contains her two favorite colors, pink and purple. I hope to get it fully quilted on my new machine, and two layers cut on all the rows to chenille it. Maybe I will even get the binding prepped, can I hope that far? It will be so much easier to quilt it on my new machine.
My fourth goal is to start working on Clue 4 for a mystery (no longer a mystery) Bel Canto quilt at my LQS. I want to get it done by the second Saturday so I can try and win free money. (Who does not want that). I want to try and pick out my fabric strips and iron them, and maybe even cut everything to start putting it together.
The last item is when I have spare time in the evening/during laundry time, which is to finish knitting this afghan. I have about 2 rows left, maybe 5 depending upon size. I made great progress this last week. I am really hoping to finish this week so I can share it during Finish it Up Friday.
Hopefully I have not planned to do too much based on the time I have available, as I am still working on not planning too much. Next week we will see how I did.
Linking up to:
Main Crush MondayWednesday, October 25, 2017
The 300th Day of the Year
Friday is the 300th day of the year, which means we only have 65 days left of the year. I felt like it is a perfect time to do a "mid" year review of what my goals were for 2017. My comments of how things have gone are in red.
1. Work on and or finish Wedding presents - there are quilts for C&T, (quilt to finish) - not done, T&M (table runner to finish) - finished, check it out here, L&B (quilt to start) - not done, S&D (quilt to work on) - not done, J&B (table runner to finish) - finished, check it out here, D&D (quilt to work on/finish?) - not done, I am hoping to start working on it before the year ends, and N&B (quilt to gift at their wedding) - not done.
2. Complete Dr. Who quilt for my husband - not done, however it has been started.
3. Finish a quilt for Mom - not done, however I have properly learned how to use the tool, so now to take the time to figure out how to fix my mistake to move forward.
4. Participate in a QAL, and keep up with the clues are they are given - currently I am working on Busy Hands Quilts' QAL for a quilt called Proud Mary in Splash of Color by Jackie Krunkle. We have to cut out our fabrics and post by next Tuesday. I hope to get it done by Monday night and continue to keep up. If I do, I will have a completed quilt top by the end of November!
5. Make a tutorial for blog to help spread the quilting word - I made a tutorial for a table runner that I created to participate within the 12 Days of Christmas blog hop hosted by Confessions of a Fabric Addict. You can check out my tutorial here. I hope to do another one by the end of the year, we will see if I make it.
6. Start to organize stash/cut up scraps from previous quilts and keep up with new scraps - I have starched them, I have yet to iron and organize/cut them as necessary. I keep thinking and tweaking how I want to organize my scraps to help me get the most out of them.
7. DO NOT buy fabric or kits unless it is needed to finish a project (it is a goal, but in reality it probably won't last too long). - Haha, this did not last very long, however I have been on a no craft supplies buying binge since the beginning of October, with of course some serious stipulations. I did break down to buy some sock yarn kits for Harry Potter socks, that I am going to make my family and myself. It is in pre-order status and I will not receive them for a while. No fabric has been bought of yet, and will not until Veteran's Day weekend to finish some projects/pick up some fabric for Bonnie Hunter's mystery quilt, to create a variety of the colors that she has chosen that I do not have in my stash.
8. Finish Bonnie Hunter's mystery quilts - I have not even touched this. I hope to start on the new mystery quilt when it starts on November 24.
9. Organize pattern library, or even start to - I have not done.
10. Get out more in the blogging community, which means I need to comment and post on other people's blog posts, offering words of encouragement and offering advice from what I have learned. - I have done a little of this, but I want to continue doing it, I enjoy encouraging others on their projects.
11. Post more about the process of making something on my blog, instead of just showing a finished project. - I am definitely doing. I have started posting Monday Design Wall posts of progress pictures/what I hope to work on that week. I have also learned that I over plan on what I plan to work on throughout the week, but I do not have the time to do what I plan, so I need to be more selective about what I should put my focus on for the week. I am a work in progress.
What a reflection. Somethings I have worked on and/or started in the way of projects, but I have a lot more to go. I have been able to incorporate most of my goals for blogging, and kept it up throughout the year. I hope to finish the last 65 days strong. Because I know I am not going to make much headway on my goals I feel like I should pull out two or three and really try to make them happen by the end of the year. I am going to choose #7, which I should be pretty successful at, I will be buying some fabric for some upcoming baby quilts to do, but they will be on sale and needed. #4, continue and finish the QAL I am currently participating in, and #10, my goal is to comment on 3-5 blog posts a week from various blogs that I regularly read and pick from the linky parties I participate in. I have some other goals for making Christmas presents, and staying on top of my Breakfast Club quilt through my LQS, and Bel Canto, which is a mystery quilt through my LQS, which is beautiful and premiering at Market this weekend.
I'm ready to finish this year off strong!
Sharing at Bee Social with Sew Fresh Quilts.
1. Work on and or finish Wedding presents - there are quilts for C&T, (quilt to finish) - not done, T&M (table runner to finish) - finished, check it out here, L&B (quilt to start) - not done, S&D (quilt to work on) - not done, J&B (table runner to finish) - finished, check it out here, D&D (quilt to work on/finish?) - not done, I am hoping to start working on it before the year ends, and N&B (quilt to gift at their wedding) - not done.
2. Complete Dr. Who quilt for my husband - not done, however it has been started.
3. Finish a quilt for Mom - not done, however I have properly learned how to use the tool, so now to take the time to figure out how to fix my mistake to move forward.
4. Participate in a QAL, and keep up with the clues are they are given - currently I am working on Busy Hands Quilts' QAL for a quilt called Proud Mary in Splash of Color by Jackie Krunkle. We have to cut out our fabrics and post by next Tuesday. I hope to get it done by Monday night and continue to keep up. If I do, I will have a completed quilt top by the end of November!
5. Make a tutorial for blog to help spread the quilting word - I made a tutorial for a table runner that I created to participate within the 12 Days of Christmas blog hop hosted by Confessions of a Fabric Addict. You can check out my tutorial here. I hope to do another one by the end of the year, we will see if I make it.
6. Start to organize stash/cut up scraps from previous quilts and keep up with new scraps - I have starched them, I have yet to iron and organize/cut them as necessary. I keep thinking and tweaking how I want to organize my scraps to help me get the most out of them.
7. DO NOT buy fabric or kits unless it is needed to finish a project (it is a goal, but in reality it probably won't last too long). - Haha, this did not last very long, however I have been on a no craft supplies buying binge since the beginning of October, with of course some serious stipulations. I did break down to buy some sock yarn kits for Harry Potter socks, that I am going to make my family and myself. It is in pre-order status and I will not receive them for a while. No fabric has been bought of yet, and will not until Veteran's Day weekend to finish some projects/pick up some fabric for Bonnie Hunter's mystery quilt, to create a variety of the colors that she has chosen that I do not have in my stash.
8. Finish Bonnie Hunter's mystery quilts - I have not even touched this. I hope to start on the new mystery quilt when it starts on November 24.
9. Organize pattern library, or even start to - I have not done.
10. Get out more in the blogging community, which means I need to comment and post on other people's blog posts, offering words of encouragement and offering advice from what I have learned. - I have done a little of this, but I want to continue doing it, I enjoy encouraging others on their projects.
11. Post more about the process of making something on my blog, instead of just showing a finished project. - I am definitely doing. I have started posting Monday Design Wall posts of progress pictures/what I hope to work on that week. I have also learned that I over plan on what I plan to work on throughout the week, but I do not have the time to do what I plan, so I need to be more selective about what I should put my focus on for the week. I am a work in progress.
What a reflection. Somethings I have worked on and/or started in the way of projects, but I have a lot more to go. I have been able to incorporate most of my goals for blogging, and kept it up throughout the year. I hope to finish the last 65 days strong. Because I know I am not going to make much headway on my goals I feel like I should pull out two or three and really try to make them happen by the end of the year. I am going to choose #7, which I should be pretty successful at, I will be buying some fabric for some upcoming baby quilts to do, but they will be on sale and needed. #4, continue and finish the QAL I am currently participating in, and #10, my goal is to comment on 3-5 blog posts a week from various blogs that I regularly read and pick from the linky parties I participate in. I have some other goals for making Christmas presents, and staying on top of my Breakfast Club quilt through my LQS, and Bel Canto, which is a mystery quilt through my LQS, which is beautiful and premiering at Market this weekend.
I'm ready to finish this year off strong!
Sharing at Bee Social with Sew Fresh Quilts.
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
Monday One Day Late
I was able to complete my first goal last week, which was to complete step 3 of Royal Gardens, as my Breakfast Club's assignment at my LQS. I only had to make four blocks which helped me. I can not wait to get this quilt put together as it is going to be gorgeous! My finished blocks are below.
This week my first goal is to cut out this lovely baby quilt, which will be a simple rail fence quilt. I am going to make it scrappy, so I need to cut each individual piece out and then start sewing. I did not make any progress on this last six weeks and failed to work on it. So I really hope I can this week, especially since it is my October OMG again. (My goal is to cut it out on Sunday)
This week my first goal is to cut out this lovely baby quilt, which will be a simple rail fence quilt. I am going to make it scrappy, so I need to cut each individual piece out and then start sewing. I did not make any progress on this last six weeks and failed to work on it. So I really hope I can this week, especially since it is my October OMG again. (My goal is to cut it out on Sunday)
My second goal is to iron and cut out the fabrics for my Proud Mary quilt, which is my quilt for Busy Hands Quilts QAL from the Splash of Color book by Jackie Kunkel. My goal is to stay up to date with this QAL.
My third goal is to start quilting this panel for a chenille blanket. My niece loves Doc McStuffin', and it contains her two favorite colors, pink and purple. I hope to get it half quilted. Simple straight lines 1/2" apart from one another. It will be a lot of lines to get it quilted halfway.
This weekend is a retreat weekend (Friday and Saturday) with Cat Wilson a certified Judy Niemeyer instructor at my LQS. My Mom and I will be quilting together, which makes it even more fun for me. I have a few goals for both of my projects while we are there. On my Woodcarver's Star I want to start on the spikes and fan pieces so that I can learn how to put them, as Cat told me at the last retreat there is a secrete way to put them together. One my Vintage Rose quilt I want to get the 8 of either the left or right side of the thorns done, and learn which section after the thorns are done for me to do. I am excited to spend a weekend quilting and make progress on two long term projects.
The last item is when I have spare time in the evening/during laundry time, which is to finish knitting this afghan. I have about 3 rows left, maybe 6 depending upon size. I made great progress this last week, and I even shared it during Breakfast Club at my LQS. I am really hoping to finish this week so I can share it during Finish it Up Friday.
Hopefully I have not planned to do too much based on the time I have available, as I am still working on not planning too much. Next week we will see how I did.
Linking up to:
Main Crush MondayMonday, October 16, 2017
Slow Monday
I had a rough weekend, thanks to a migraine, and my wonderful time to quilt was dashed due to the throbbing pain in my head. So be it, it is a new week, a long work week, and I finally get to finish some cleaning that has been needed for a while. However, Friday night is my own and as a result I will be finishing by Breakfast Club's homework in the nick of time. Lets see what my goals are for the week.
The first goal is to complete step 3 of Royal Gardens, which is my Breakfast Club's assignment at my LQS. I am going to be finishing this one while sliding into home base. I need to cut and put together. There are only four of the same blocks, but just like anything they take some time to put them together.
My second goal is to cut out this lovely baby quilt, which will be a simple rail fence quilt. I am going to make it scrappy, so I need to cut each individual piece out and then start sewing. I did not make any progress on this last five weeks and failed to work on it. So I really hope I can this week, especially since it is my October OMG again.
The first goal is to complete step 3 of Royal Gardens, which is my Breakfast Club's assignment at my LQS. I am going to be finishing this one while sliding into home base. I need to cut and put together. There are only four of the same blocks, but just like anything they take some time to put them together.
My third goal is to start making the next part of Woodcarver's Star by Judy Niemeyer. I got the middle part done, and there is another star that is bigger than the first to be done. I want to work on this and maybe get it all done before my retreat with a Certified Instructor, Cat Wilson, in two weekends. That way I can learn the next step for the quilt and work on it before the next retreat. This is my center star, already completed. I can not wait to see how it all turns out, I love the colors.
The last item is when I have spare time in the evening/during laundry time, which is to finish knitting this afghan. I have about 9 rows left, maybe 12 depending upon size. I worked on it this past week, however I dropped a few stitches and had to backtrack about four rows. I have almost made it back to where I was at the beginning of last week.
I'm slowly learning that I like to over plan what I want to do, and as a result I do not get a lot done. I am a work in progress, and I hope that my choosing only a few projects to work on, I can actually make progress on. Plus it always takes longer to do something than I think it will. I am enjoying the process though and that is why I quilt, not to just crank out the quilts. I'm excited to see what everyone else is working on!
Linking up to:
Main Crush MondayTuesday, October 10, 2017
Splash of Color QAL
Myra at Busy Hands Quilts is hosting a Splash of Color QAL. The basis is you get to chose a quilt pattern from Splash of Color book recently published by Jackie Kunkel from Canton Village Quilt Works. I have decided to participate because Proud Mary was to be offered at the San Diego Quilt Show as a class, however it was canceled because not enough people were signed up. As a result I have all of the supplies for it, and I thought it was the perfect way to do complete this quilt.
The pattern that I have selected is called Proud Mary, it is the first pattern in the book.
My selected fabrics include various fabrics from Alison Glass' Chroma line and a curated rainbow bundle from Pink Castle Fabrics.
I am excited to be participating! Thanks Myra for hosting. Sharing over at Sew Fresh Quilts with her Bee Social, along with Busy Hands Quilts and the Fabric and Pattern Selection link-up.
The pattern that I have selected is called Proud Mary, it is the first pattern in the book.
My selected fabrics include various fabrics from Alison Glass' Chroma line and a curated rainbow bundle from Pink Castle Fabrics.
I am excited to be participating! Thanks Myra for hosting. Sharing over at Sew Fresh Quilts with her Bee Social, along with Busy Hands Quilts and the Fabric and Pattern Selection link-up.
Monday, October 9, 2017
Monday Design Wall
This week I am only have to work 3 days, so today I got all (well most) of the house cleaning done, and Friday is a sew day with my Mom. My goals have stayed pretty much the same from last week as I was unable to get much done.
My first goal is to make several blocks for Block 3 of Bel Canto, which is a mystery quilt for Strip Club at my LQS. If I get a few blocks done and share them on Saturday during the meeting I get a chance to win some free money! (Who does not love that?)
The second goal is to start cutting out step 3 of Royal Gardens, which is my Breakfast Club's assignment at my LQS. I would like to try and get it done early, and not be doing it last minute like I have been a few times (okay, more like most of the time).
Third is to cut out this lovely baby quilt, which will be a simple rail fence quilt. I am going to make it scrappy, so I need to cut each individual piece out and then start sewing. I did not make any progress on this last four weeks and failed to work on it. So I really hope I can this week, especially since it is my October OMG again.
Fifth is to start sewing straight lines on this panel to then chenille it for my niece's Christmas gift. It is already layered and pinned together. She loves this Disney character and there is pink soft minky on the back. It will be wonderful when I get it done.
My first goal is to make several blocks for Block 3 of Bel Canto, which is a mystery quilt for Strip Club at my LQS. If I get a few blocks done and share them on Saturday during the meeting I get a chance to win some free money! (Who does not love that?)
The second goal is to start cutting out step 3 of Royal Gardens, which is my Breakfast Club's assignment at my LQS. I would like to try and get it done early, and not be doing it last minute like I have been a few times (okay, more like most of the time).
Fourth goal is to make progress on a surprise quilt. I want to cut out the next section this week, but I can not do it while dear hubby is around, as it is a surprise for him. Shhh, do not tell him. (Due to this fact no pictures, I will share when I get it completed. Hopefully before Christmas or maybe Valentines Day.) I have not made progress on this item for the last four weeks.
Fifth is to start sewing straight lines on this panel to then chenille it for my niece's Christmas gift. It is already layered and pinned together. She loves this Disney character and there is pink soft minky on the back. It will be wonderful when I get it done.
The last item is when I have spare time in the evening/during laundry time, which is to finish knitting this afghan. I have about 6 rows left, maybe 9 depending upon size. I have a deadline (even though it keeps changing!), and I'm close to getting it done.
I'm excited to see what everyone else is working on!
Linking up to:
Main Crush MondayThursday, October 5, 2017
October 2017 OMG
I'm sharing and linking up to Elm Street Quilts. I hope everyone is able to meet their goal this month!
Q4 Finish-A-Long List
1. Stitch and flip wreaths. Make 3-4 stitch and flip wreaths for Christmas gifts for 3-4 people this year. They should not be hard after I do the first one.
6. Wedding quilt for C&T (late present, at least they know it is coming)
9. Charity Quilt top for Prayers and Squares at my Grandmother's church

18. Knit scarf for my husband. He saw the scarves I made for my grandparents for Christmas, and wants a few scarves. As a result I am going to get this one done, and have the other two made for next winter. It is made with a simple pattern. Knit stitch about 30 stitches across and then 70" long.

19. This quilt is for charity. I hope to have it done for 2018's Hands to Help hosted by Confessions of a Fabric Addict. I am making it with orange and browns, and I have all the fabrics ready to go, I just need to start. Photo is from Confessions of a Fabric Addict.
20. This quilt will be for charity. I hope to have it done for 2018's Hands to Help hosted by Confessions of a Fabric Addict. I am making it with purples and greens as the latices, and I just need to start. It is going to be gorgeous I think. Photo credit goes to Confessions of a Fabric Addict.
21. There was a mystery quilt a long with Cora's Quilts called Gathering. The fabrics are gorgeous and I have finished all of the cutting, I just have to put each step together. It will be a throw size.
22. I want to take this panel and chenille it for my niece's Christmas gift this year with a minky backing. She loves Doc McStuffin'. I have it layered, I just need to start sewing and wrestling it through my small machine.
23. Finish this knitted baby blanket for a co-worker who just had a child. Simple pattern it just takes time. I have about 10 rows, if that left on it. A project I just need to take some time and finish.
24. Finish table runner from a block that I drew out for the 12 Days of Christmas blog hop, hosted by Confessions of a Fabric Addict. It just needs to be layered, quilted and bound.
25. Supplement my blog post for the 12 Days of Christmas over at Confessions of a Fabric Addict by making a pillow. It will be a 12 by 12 pillow with a single snowflake on it, appliqued and quilted down. I have no picture, everything is cut out, I just need to execute it. I was not able to complete it, so I'm going to work on it and get it done so I can present it next year as a tutorial.
26. Supplement my blog post for the 12 Days of Christmas over at Confessions of a Fabric Addict by making a pillow. It will be a 14 by 28 pillow with three snowflakes on it. The snowflakes will be appliqued and quilted down. I have no picture, everything is cut out, I just need to execute it. I was not able to complete it for the blog hop, so I'm going to get it done and present it as a gift idea for next year's blog hop.
27. Finish Sweet Tooth Queen size quilt. Started as a Breakfast Club project, I want to finish all of the blocks and put it together. It will be the first quilt I have made for our bed.
28. Finish Sweet Tooth baby quilt. I had left overs from the two kits I bought to make the queen size, so I decided to make just one of each of the twelve blocks and combine it into a baby quilt. I think it is going to look awesome when it is done.

29. Chenille this panel of Mickey for a Christmas gift. It has been layered, I just need to sew rows and finish it off.
30. Chenille this panel of Disney Princess for a Christmas gift. It has been layered, I just need to sew rows and finish it off.
31. Chenille this panel of Dory for a Christmas gift. I need to layer it, and then proceed from there.
32. Chenille this panel of Belle for a Christmas gift. I need to layer it, and then proceed from there.
33. Chenille this panel of Belle for a Christmas gift. It matches the one before, the only difference is the minky on the back, and I'm sure the binding will be different. I need to layer it, and then proceed from there.
34. Chenille this panel of Donald Duck for a Christmas gift. It has been layered, I just need to sew rows and finish it off.
35. Chenille this panel of Little Mermaid for myself. This will be the last panel to be chenilled as I come last.
36. Finish snowflake pillow (shared at 12 Days of Christmas hosted by Confessions of a Fabric Addict), and make a second one for a Christmas gift and creating a tutorial. I received several requests during my blog hop stop for a tutorial for this one. I like it enough that I won't mind re-creating it.
37. Dr. Who quilt, finish as I have started cutting it out. This was an intended gift for my husband on Valentine's Day almost two years ago.
38. New baby quilt, pattern and fabric has been picked out. I just need to put it together.
39. Seth's toddler quilt. The pattern and fabric has been picked out, it just needs to be put together.
40. Natalie's wall hanging. The fabric has been picked out and the idea is in my head. I just need to put it on paper and figure out how to do the blocks as I do not have a pattern for it.
41. Storm at Sea quilt I started at the San Diego Quilt Show. I have it all drawn out as to what I want to do, making it about 60" by 60". This is the small quilt because I plan to make a scrappy teal/blue/green on that will be even bigger. My Mom bought the templates, so I just need to borrow them from her to get cracking.
42. Proud Mary is from Splash of Color by Jackie Kunkel. She was to come to the San Diego Quilt Show, however her class was cancelled. However, I found a quilt along at Busy Hands Quilts, and I will be joining by doing this quilt. All of my fabrics are picked out, and they are all currently being starched so i can get to the next step. I want to make all of the goals with the quilt along, so I better stay on top of it!
Another long list this quarter. I hope to remove between 12-15 items from the list and make progress on a few more. I have several holidays over the next few months, and I plan to get ahead in all of the holiday festivities so nothing is done at the last minute (at least that is the goal). I look forward to seeing what everyone is working on this quarter. Linking up to Throw a Wrench in the Works for the 2017 Finish-A-Long.
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