Thursday, January 31, 2019
January 2019 One Monthly Goal Finished
Well I finished my January One Monthly Goal in the knick of time tonight. I was able to complete four panels during January, which makes a total of five. I will be doing a sixth panel to make it just a little larger, but that can come later.
I am really excited I got this done! Now to think of what my February OMG will be. I hope everyone had a successful month!
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Elm Street Quilts
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Design Wall Tuesday
This past week I was able to work towards my goals, which included making panel #4 for my Scrappy Bargello Quilt, pattern by Bonnie Hunter at Quiltville. I started on panel #5, but it has not been finished yet. Can I get this quilt top done before the end of the month? It is quickly approaching, and I think I will get at least 5 of my 6 panels done.
Over the weekend I also made progress on the baby blanket, I'm almost halfway done with it. The baby shower was today (opps, they changed the date on me), so it will be gifted once completed.
My goals for this week are:
1. Finish panel #5, and start panel #6 on my Scrappy Bargello Quilt, and start to work on the braided border I plan to do.
2. Get 3/4's of the way done with knitting the baby blanket for a co-worker. I would love to finish it, but I am trying to be realistic in my expectations.
3. Pull my fabric for the Daisy Chain Mystery Quilt Along, and prep my blog post to go live next week! This is being hosted by Honey, Bunny and Doll Quilts at Little Bunny Quilts. Once I do this, it will be time to starch fabric in my new set up for the first time. I need to work out the kinks to have a smooth process.
4. Think about what my February OMG is going to be. There are many choices, I just have yet to decide on one. (This can be the toughest decision sometimes, also it is tough to admit the month is over already...)
Over the weekend I also made progress on the baby blanket, I'm almost halfway done with it. The baby shower was today (opps, they changed the date on me), so it will be gifted once completed.
My goals for this week are:
1. Finish panel #5, and start panel #6 on my Scrappy Bargello Quilt, and start to work on the braided border I plan to do.
2. Get 3/4's of the way done with knitting the baby blanket for a co-worker. I would love to finish it, but I am trying to be realistic in my expectations.
3. Pull my fabric for the Daisy Chain Mystery Quilt Along, and prep my blog post to go live next week! This is being hosted by Honey, Bunny and Doll Quilts at Little Bunny Quilts. Once I do this, it will be time to starch fabric in my new set up for the first time. I need to work out the kinks to have a smooth process.
4. Think about what my February OMG is going to be. There are many choices, I just have yet to decide on one. (This can be the toughest decision sometimes, also it is tough to admit the month is over already...)
I hope everyone is having a great week!
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15 Minutes of Stitching - Week 4 of 2019
Let us see how this week went on the stitching front.
Days spent stitching this week: 7 out of 7
Day spent stitching in January: 26 out of 27
Days spent stitching in 2019: 26 out of 27
Success Rate: 96.3%
My week runs from Monday to Sunday.
Wow! I found time even with a busy weekend of picking up the last of the furniture needed for our house(!!!), and coming down with a serious cold. I think my sewing corner is definitely helping with that because I want to come over and sew. We installed a light over my corner and it helps light it up and improves my visibility. I also love making progress on the quilt I'm working on.
My fabric usage is still consistent, but I did add for a quilt that I need to start working on. The difference is not bad though, and next week I should have it back to a loss! This is definitely keeping me honest and I'm interested in seeing what will happen over the next few months.
Fabric out this week:1.11 yards
Fabric out, in 2019: 4.12 yards
Fabric in this week: 5 yards
Fabric in, in 2019: 5 yards
Fabric difference in 2019: gain of 0.88 yards
I hope everyone had a great week!
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Life in Pieces
Days spent stitching this week: 7 out of 7
Day spent stitching in January: 26 out of 27
Days spent stitching in 2019: 26 out of 27
Success Rate: 96.3%
My week runs from Monday to Sunday.
Wow! I found time even with a busy weekend of picking up the last of the furniture needed for our house(!!!), and coming down with a serious cold. I think my sewing corner is definitely helping with that because I want to come over and sew. We installed a light over my corner and it helps light it up and improves my visibility. I also love making progress on the quilt I'm working on.
My fabric usage is still consistent, but I did add for a quilt that I need to start working on. The difference is not bad though, and next week I should have it back to a loss! This is definitely keeping me honest and I'm interested in seeing what will happen over the next few months.
Fabric out this week:1.11 yards
Fabric out, in 2019: 4.12 yards
Fabric in this week: 5 yards
Fabric in, in 2019: 5 yards
Fabric difference in 2019: gain of 0.88 yards
I hope everyone had a great week!
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Life in Pieces
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
15 Minutes of Stitching - Week 3 of 2019
Let us see how the first week of the year went on the stitching front.
Days spent stitching this week: 6 out of 7
Day spent stitching in January: 19 out of 20
Days spent stitching in 2019: 19 out of 20
Success Rate: 95.0%
My week runs from Monday to Sunday.
I am doing great at finding time. Yes, I did miss a day this week, but the day got away from me, running errands and then going to a hockey game in the evening, I was very exhausted from a long day. I am still above 90% so I am very happy, and I hope there are only a few days I miss throughout the year. Only time will tell right now.
My fabric usage went pretty well, even with missing a day. I might be gaining more fabric next week, but it will be bought with a purpose for some quilts I will be making this year, or at least starting.
Fabric out this week:1.90 yards
Fabric out, in 2019: 3.01 yards
Fabric in, in 2019: 0 yards
Fabric difference in 2019: loss of 3.01 yards
I hope everyone had a great week!
Sharing at:
Life in Pieces
Days spent stitching this week: 6 out of 7
Day spent stitching in January: 19 out of 20
Days spent stitching in 2019: 19 out of 20
Success Rate: 95.0%
My week runs from Monday to Sunday.
I am doing great at finding time. Yes, I did miss a day this week, but the day got away from me, running errands and then going to a hockey game in the evening, I was very exhausted from a long day. I am still above 90% so I am very happy, and I hope there are only a few days I miss throughout the year. Only time will tell right now.
My fabric usage went pretty well, even with missing a day. I might be gaining more fabric next week, but it will be bought with a purpose for some quilts I will be making this year, or at least starting.
Fabric out this week:1.90 yards
Fabric out, in 2019: 3.01 yards
Fabric in, in 2019: 0 yards
Fabric difference in 2019: loss of 3.01 yards
I hope everyone had a great week!
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Life in Pieces
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Design Wall Tuesday
I have not had a post up for over a month, with good reason to be honest, but wow where did the end of 2018 go, and most of January? Oh that is right, we bought a house!
Then we had to move, and clean our old place, and start the long process of unpacking. Which is still happening, after we lined shelves and cleaned out the dust from getting our wood floors re-done. What a great way end of year, that is for sure.
With a new house comes a sewing corner!!!! This area has been heaven to me, even though it is not fully set up yet (working on the rest of the house with my husband first), it has been amazing. To leave out my project over night and not have to clean it up! What a time saver, and I just want to keep sewing and sewing and sewing.
I have some dates for quilts I want to make this year quickly approaching, so I am going to be focusing on them over the next few months. I am going to participate in the Daisy Chain Mystery Quilt Along by Alison @ Little Bunny Quilts. I will be one of the guest bloggers, and I am excited to be participating. It will encourage me to keep up with the clues as I have to post my progress each time one comes out!
Without further ado, my goals for the week are:
Work on and complete the fourth and fifth panels for the quilt below. It is for Bonnie Hunter's Scrappy Bargello under her free patterns tab on her blog. If you have never seen her quilts, you definitely should. I love her scrappy style.
My second goal for the week is to continue working on a baby blanket for a co-worker. The blanket is being knitted out of the newer chenille yarn that came out on the market in the last few years. It is awesome to work with (at least so far), and the project is going pretty quickly. I have until next Thursday to get it done. I need to get a move on. (I will have a picture next week)
I hope everyone is having a great week!
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Wednesday, January 16, 2019
2019 Finish-a-Long Quarter 1
Welcome to 2019! I can already tell the year is going to fly by quickly, just based on how quickly the first few days have gone. There are many things to complete this year and quarter that we might as well just lay it all out there. A little progress on shrinking the list is the goal. I am ready to finish some things up.
4. Wedding quilt for C&T (late present, at least they know it is coming).
7. Charity Quilt top for Prayers and Squares at my Grandmother's church.

16. Knit scarf for my husband. He saw the scarves I made for my grandparents for Christmas, and wants a few scarves. As a result I am going to get this one done, and have the other two made for next winter. It is made with a simple pattern. Knit stitch about 30 stitches across and then 70" long.

17. This quilt will be for charity. I hope to have it done for 2019's Hands to Help hosted by Confessions of a Fabric Addict. I am making it with purples and greens as the latices, and I just need to start. It is going to be gorgeous I think. Photo credit goes to Confessions of a Fabric Addict.
18. There was a mystery quilt a long with Cora's Quilts called Gathering. The fabrics are gorgeous and I have finished all of the cutting, I just have to put each step together. It will be a throw size.
19. Supplement my blog post for the 12 Days of Christmas over at Confessions of a Fabric Addict by making a pillow. It will be a 12 by 12 pillow with a single snowflake on it, appliqued and quilted down. I have no picture, everything is cut out, I just need to execute it. I was not able to complete it, so I'm going to work on it and get it done so I can present it as a tutorial this year.
20. Supplement my blog post for the 12 Days of Christmas over at Confessions of a Fabric Addict by making a pillow. It will be a 14 by 28 pillow with three snowflakes on it. The snowflakes will be appliqued and quilted down. I have no picture, everything is cut out, I just need to execute it. I was not able to complete it for the 2017 blog hop, so I'm going to get it done and present it as a gift idea for this year's blog hop.
21. Finish Sweet Tooth Queen size quilt. Started as a Breakfast Club project, I want to finish all of the blocks and put it together. It will be the first quilt I have made for our bed.
22. Finish Sweet Tooth baby quilt. I had left overs from the two kits I bought to make the queen size, so I decided to make just one of each of the twelve blocks and combine it into a baby quilt. I think it is going to look awesome when it is done.

23. Chenille this panel of Mickey for a birthday gift. It has been layered, I just need to sew rows and finish it off.
24. Chenille this panel of Disney Princess for a birthday gift. It has been layered, I just need to sew rows and finish it off.
25. Chenille this panel of Dory for a birthday gift. I just need to sew the rows on it and finish it off.
26. Chenille this panel of Belle for a Christmas gift. I just need to put the binding on, and sew it down.
27. Chenille this panel of Belle for a belated Christmas gift. It matches the one before, the only difference is the minky on the back, and I'm sure the binding will be different. I just need to sew the rows on it and finish it off from there.
28. Chenille this panel of Little Mermaid for myself. This will be the last panel to be chenilled as I come last.
29. Finish snowflake pillow (shared at 12 Days of Christmas hosted by Confessions of a Fabric Addict), and make a second one for a Christmas gift and creating a tutorial. I received several requests during my blog hop stop for a tutorial for this one. I like it enough that I won't mind re-creating it.
30. Dr. Who quilt, finish as I have started cutting it out. This was an intended gift for my husband on Valentine's Day almost two years ago.
31. Natalie's wall hanging. The fabric has been picked out and the idea is in my head. I just need to put it on paper and figure out how to do the blocks as I do not have a pattern for it.
32. Storm at Sea quilt I started at the San Diego Quilt Show last year. I have it all drawn out as to what I want to do, making it about 60" by 60". This is the small quilt because I plan to make a scrappy teal/blue/green one that will be even bigger. My Mom bought the templates, so I just need to borrow them from her to get cracking.
34. L&B's Wedding Quilt is for when they got married in July 2015. The fabric is starched, I need to finish cutting it out, and then start putting it together.
35. S&D's Wedding Quilt is for my sister-in-law and her husband, who got married in November 2016. The pieces are waiting to be put together by English Paper Piecing (EPP), and the sashing squares are all cut, and starched, I just need to iron and put them together.
36. On Ringo Lake the 2017-2018 Bonnie Hunter mystery that is absolutely gorgeous! I have all of my fabric picked out and starched, I just have to get working on it.
37. Meadow Mist mystery quilt was revealed in December. I have the fabric picked out, and I have since the start of it, I just have not had time to start on it.
38. Scrappy Bargello was started within the last week when I got to take a class with Bonnie Hunter. It was a fantastic class! I have it all planned out, and everything is cut, I just have to sew!
39. OSU Quilt #1 for my Grandfather who is an alumni.
40. OSU Quilt #2 for my Mom, as she is also an alumni. This quilt was originally meant for my Grandmother, but she has passed away, and I feel like it would mean a lot to my Mom to get the quilt intended for her Mom.
41. Bel Canto is a mystery that was held at my local quilt shop for Strip club. It is designed by Daniella Stout, and the reveal happened in December 2017.
42. Baby blanket that is knitted. I have casted it on, it is just buried in the my pile of projects right now.
43. JoAnn's mystery knit (2017), which is no longer a mystery, but I would love to get it done as it should be a decently fast knit.
44. Moonlight Path's quilt along with Cora's Quilts. Mystery started in March and will continue to through the first half of June.
45. Pocket bags - set of 4 for personal use. I have my fabric picked out, and it is on its way to me right now.
46. Brown bag mystery quilt from Cupcake Quilts in Spring, Texas. I am getting the clues mailed to me.
47. Jelly Roll rug. I am taking a class this quarter, and I want to finish it.
48. D&D's wedding cross stitch is a belated wedding gift that I am trying to get done for the happy couple. I'm still on the first border, but I have made more progress on it even since this picture was taken.
49. Champagne and Pearls quilt is for a class. I have some prep work to do before class, but I can not wait to see how my colors turn out.
50. Ispy quilt for Niece, which will be a Christmas present. All paper pieced, square in a square, with the Ispy fabrics in the middle. I can not wait to see the secondary design comes out on this one.
51. Drunkards Path, which I planned for a quilt show in March of this year, however due to some unforeseen circumstances I have not started, and will not entering it.
52. Kingfisher QAL is hosted by Stitched in Color and Tales of Cloth. The quilt includes EEP, appliqué and regular piecing. I intended to work on this while away from home this last month, however life had other plans. It will be a great evening project to wind down from the day.
53. 2nd Snowflake Pillow for the Christmas in July bloghop. I needed to make another one to take progress pictures. Now I need to finish it.
54. Sweater Weather is a quilt along with Cora's Quilts. I bought the kit a while ago and when this was announced I knew I needed to try and follow along. Maybe I will walk away with a finished quilt top at the end of the time? I can try.
I hope everyone has a great quarter!
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