January was a whirlwind. Actually I found a new author and read all of her published works in between working full time, and family scheduled events. I really enjoyed the author, of course I do love a good romance novel. But now we are in February, and I have a lot to get done this month (when do I not?), but I have to complete a table runner by this weekend for a wedding, and I really want to get the other table runner for the couple that got married in December done, plus a baby shower gift for my husband's friend's 3rd kid (and first two kids as I never made them anything), and another baby gift for my cousin's new child. Wow, I'm tired just thinking about it all.
Good thing I have made great progress on the first table runner tonight, which is also my one monthly goal. It is a little nerve racking as it is my first curved piecing project, but they have not turned out too horribly, only a little, where if I sew it together right/and quilt it it will not look too bad (or so I hope, the end product does not lie). This project will be done this weekend.

Then the second part of the month I would like to get the 2nd table runner done for the couple that got married in December. I've had this as my goal for the last two months, and this month will be the month I finish it! The fabric is starched, I just have to iron, cut and sew the pieces together. Then layer it, quilt and put on the binding. Not too hard, especially with a sew day coming up!
Off to link up to
Elm Street Quilts for OMG. Here is to a successful month for everyone!