Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Design Wall Tuesday

This last week has been very productive.  I was able to finish all of Unit D's for the Daisy Chain Mystery QAL.

I got half way to my goal of 10 blocks for a wedding quilt I am a few years late on.  I have seven to sew together, and a few to iron.

I also completed 15 blocks of 128? for the front side of a signature quilt.  I even got some signatures, and they are looking great!

I am focusing in on two projects for the week.  My first one is to completed 50 additional blocks, making them ready for signatures Sunday morning.  I want to finish drawing out and doing calculations for the front and back sides of the quilt, and iron more fabrics that are starched and ready to be worked with.  (By finishing all of this, I will have finished my April OMG!)

My second goal is to finish ironing and trimming Unit C for the Daisy Chain Mystery QAL.  Even if I make progress on these, as the stack is large, I will be very happy. 

My third goal, which will continue to be a goal until it is completely done, is to work on unpacking our house.  Our goal for the week is to finish the kitchen (almost there), work on tearing out the front planter box (small goals make the daunting task manageable), and continue to work on the garage, building four shelving units, plus filling them with stuff.

I hope everyone has a great week!

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