Monday, October 29, 2018

Design Wall Monday

I was able to get a lot done in the last week, which feels great!  Steps 3 and 4 are done for my October OMG, the early part of this week is just to get a little further, and I was able to get the last few pieces cut out.

I ironed all of the starched fabric for an ISpy quilt.

My goals for this week are still similar to the past few weeks, but things are progressing!  My first goal is to work on my my stretch October One Monthly Goal.  My goal for the week is to get step 5 done, and start on the step 6.

My second goal is to work on the ISpy quilt for my niece.  I'm going to work on cutting out the pink and purple's for the front and back.  Once I get everything cut out, it will be time to start putting it together.

My third goal, is to continue starching this pile of fabric.  I hope I am able to finish starching the fabric.  I have about six rounds left.  This quilt has a deadline that has been moved up several times, and it is coming quickly!  (At least I hope to get it done by Christmas)

All of that should keep me pretty busy this week, plus get together the necessary paperwork for a home loan request, and looking at homes?  Yes, we are starting the process to look at homes moving towards maybe buying one soon.  A designated sewing space?  Yes, please!

Linking up with:
Monday Making
Design Wall
Main Crush Monday


1 comment:

  1. You sound like you have a busy week planned. Good luck with your home financing and purchasing. We are in the process of refinancing our home right now, and there is a lot of paperwork involved. Thanks for linking with Design Wall Monday, Judy


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