I was able to get a lot done this last week. I got my homework done for my LQS's Breakfast Club before it was due, see below. They presented the next semester's projects which I'm not dying to do, so I'm going to make my own list of goals for each month and take a semester of independent study. I'm excited to do this, I just have to make sure I do not over plan what I'm going to work on/finish each month. I will post my goals for each month after I finalize what they are so everyone can help hold me accountable to them.
I was also able to get all of the meat cooked up for the tamales (four batches in the crock pot), rolls made and frozen for Thursday and four pumpkin rolls, which turned out delicious. I learned a few things making them, but I'm excited and armed with new information to make them even better than before :)

Now, what do I want to accomplish this week? It is a very busy week with Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Bonnie Hunter's mystery "On Ringo Lake" beginning, moving storage units, ringing in church and community concert, and making six batches of tamales. As a result I have two small goals. The first goal is to is to start quilting this panel for a chenille blanket. My niece loves Doc McStuffin', and it contains her two favorite colors, pink and purple. I would like to at least start it this week, if I get more done like sewing all of the straight lines I have ahead of me even better. But, I'm not going to push myself. My goal is to fully finish this before November 30 so I can get it in the mail, plus it is part of my OMG for November.

My second goal is to do the same thing as goal number two to this panel. It is for my husband's Christmas gift and I have to work on it when he is not home while I am home, which is few and far between and will be even lesser soon. I am going to get it started, how far I get just depends upon how late he stays out Friday night playing D&D with a group of friends. This is also part of my OMG for November. I can get the binding stitched on during lunch at work.
It will be busy, but the little sewing time I do have will be even more worth it. A long fetch goal is to start working on the five stitch and flip wreaths for presents, but I do not want to put that added pressure on myself. I also want to start on Bonnie Hunter's mystery quilt, but I need to be realistic and am going to start it next week.
Have a great week (a day late) everyone!
Linking up to:
Main Crush Monday
Design Wall